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Membrane Nitrogen Generators

Membrane type nitrogen generation offers an optimal purity range of between 90% to 99%, which is perfectly sufficient for many applications, particularly in the packaging of salad goods and other fresh produce. If your business requires lower quality nitrogen production for intermittent use, nitrogen generator membrane technology would be the ideal solution.

Membrane type nitrogen generator purity

Membrane type nitrogen generators are best suited for purities up to approximately 99%, and nitrogen demand of up to around 600 Nm³/hr. Membrane nitrogen separation became commercially available in the early 1980s. It is the most robust of the nitrogen separation technologies. Compared to Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology, membranes use more energy, but have lower maintenance costs.

Oxygen and nitrogen in compressed air are separated by the relative speed of permeation through the side wall of hollow polymer fibres. Oxygen molecules permeate through the fibres faster than nitrogen molecules, enabling them to be selectively exhausted. Nitrogen gas purity increases as the flow proceeds down the fibres. Depending on the residence time in the membrane, nitrogen purity of better than 99.99% can be achieved. If you require higher purity levels, other separation technologies are more cost-effective.

Glaston’s expert engineers have many years’ experience in the design, supply, and maintenance of membrane type nitrogen generators in the UK. Our wide range of. Atlas Copco equipment offers quiet and dependable nitrogen generation at the lowest cost of ownership, on the market today.

For more information about our complete range of products and services, including vacuum blowers and compressed air, please contact us today or speak to one of our advisers for a bespoke quote, on 01695 51010.

How nitrogen generator membrane technology could benefit you

Glaston can supply a wide range of membrane nitrogen generators, which are kinder to your pocket than bottles or cylinders, thanks to the dual advantages of minimal operating and maintenance expenses. Do away with the costs and logistical headaches involved with nitrogen processing, refills and deliveries by generating your own reliable nitrogen source. Speak to Glaston today to take back control of your nitrogen supply.

Membrane nitrogen generator features and benefits

  • 20% less feed air required than a traditional generator Continuous supply of nitrogen with a stable purity
  • Easy purity adjustment on controller.

Membrane nitrogen generator features and benefits

  • Optimal purity range: 90% to 99.0%.
  • Optimal flow rate: 1-600 Nm³/h.
  • Cost advantage over vendor-supplied liquid: Up to 50%.

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